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The game console outputs videos to a monitor (supports 1440p@144Hz) and a USB Capture (Plus) device. When Vertical Sync is turned on in the game, the frame rate of the video to the monitor is reduced to 60fps
Click here to download the EDID file that supports 1440p@144Hz video. Then follow the steps below to import the EDID file to your USB Capture (Plus) device to solve the problem. In the HDMI tab page of USB Capture Utility V3, click Import to import the custom EDID into the capture device; clear the SmartEDID check box.
Article ID: 002050047 USB Capture Plus > Troubleshooting
When I record video captured from USB Capture (Plus) devices with OBS, the audio and video are out of sync
Check the usage of GPU and CPU when recording video with OBS. If the values are too high, reduce the encoding parameters. Record a video clip with Capture Express to see if the synchronization issue occurs. In OBS, do not select audio devices in the properties window of video capture device. It is recommended to add an independent audio input device and select the Use Device Timestamps checkbox.
Article ID: 002050052 USB Capture USB Capture Plus > Troubleshooting
How to save changes of the Video Proc Amp tab in the driver panel?
By default, all changes of the Video Proc Amp tab in the driver panel is only saved temporarily. When the capture software is closed, all properties in this tab revert to their default values. If you want to permanently save changes of the Video Proc Amp tab, follow these steps: Run "regedit" on Windows to open the Registry Editor. Move to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ProCapture (or EcoCapture)\Card Name\Board X, Channel X. Change the value of PersistAmpSettings to 1. Disable and enable the capture card in Device Manager, or restart the computer.
Article ID: 001030037 Pro Capture Eco Capture > Settings
What are the transfer rates of Pro Convert devices?
1 x stream SD video = 20 Mbps 1 x stream 720p50/59.94 video = 90Mbps 1 x stream 1080i50/59.94 video = 100Mbps 1 x stream 1080p50/59.94 video = 125Mbps 1 x stream UHDp30 video = 200Mbps 1 x stream UHDp60 video = 250Mbps Actual bandwidth could vary according to the complexities of video.
Article ID: 005020012 Pro Convert > Get Started