Knowledge Base Pro Capture Content

The audio devices enumerated by WebRTC have the same name

Article ID: 301050033 Pro Capture Family


When a user uses WebRTC on Linux to enumerate video devices and audio devices, the names of different Pro Capture video devices appear normal, but the same names are displayed for different Pro Capture audio devices.

As shown on the right, the names of the four Pro Capture audio devices are all displayed as "Pro Capture Endpoint Stereo."

Enumerate audio devices through WebRTC


  1. Open file: /lib/udev/hwdb.d/20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb
  2. Comment out the information related to the capture card, as shown on the right.
  3. Run the following commands for the changes to take effect:

    sudo udevadm hwdb --update

    sudo udevadm control --reload

Comment out the information of the capture card

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