Knowledge Base Eco Capture Content

How to save changes of the Video Proc Amp tab in the driver panel?

Article ID: 001030037 Pro Capture Family , Eco Capture Family

By default, all changes of the Video Proc Amp tab in the driver panel is only saved temporarily. When the capture software is closed, all properties in this tab revert to their default values. If you want to permanently save changes of the Video Proc Amp tab, follow these steps:

  1. Run "regedit" on Windows to open the Registry Editor.
  2. Move to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ProCapture (or EcoCapture)\Card Name\Board X, Channel X.
  3. Change the value of PersistAmpSettings to 1.
  4. Disable and enable the capture card in Device Manager, or restart the computer.

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