API Status Code

      SC_RET_INVALID_PARAMETER         int = 10000
      SC_RET_INVALID_COMMAND           int = 10001
      SC_RET_INVALID_REQUEST           int = 10002
      SC_RET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER       int = 10003
      SC_RET_CONNECT_TARGET_TIMEOUT    int = 10004
      SC_RET_CLIENT_NOT_EXIST          int = 10006
      SC_RET_CLIENT_OFFLINE            int = 10007
      SC_RET_NEEDS_AUTH                int = 10008

      retUpgradeCompleted int = 109
      retUpgradeIdel      int = 108
      retUpgradeFailed    int = 107
      retUpgradeUpdating  int = 106

      retSamePort          int = 105 // This port is occupied.
      retDeleted           int = 104 // The device has been deleted from Cloud.
      retWaiting           int = 103 // The registration is waiting for approval.
      retRefused           int = 102 // The registration has been rejected.
      retAccepted          int = 101 // The registration has been accepted.
      retLivingDNS         int = 28
      retLivingInit        int = 27
      retReadyForRecord    int = 26
      retBitrate           int = 25
      retLivingWaiting     int = 24
      retLivingConnecting  int = 23
      retLivingConnected   int = 22
      retPushReboot        int = 21
      retAudioSignalChange int = 20
      retBlueWrite         int = 19
      retBlueRead          int = 18
      retBlueShutDown      int = 17
      retDiskOn            int = 16
      retDiskOff           int = 15
      retDiskChange        int = 14
      retSnapshotOver      int = 13
      retPushReset         int = 12
      retPushLiving        int = 11
      retPushRecord        int = 10
      retSignalChange      int = 9
      retRouteChange       int = 8
      retIPChange          int = 7
      retNetChange         int = 6
      retExit              int = 5
      retLowSpace          int = 4
      retLowSpeed          int = 3
      retRunning           int = 2
      retRepeat            int = 1  // Repeated operations.
      retSucceed           int = 0  // Operation succeeded.
      errPasswd            int = -1
      errOccupied          int = -2
      errDisconnect        int = -3 
      errDevice            int = -4
      errDisk              int = -5
      errUnconnect         int = -6
      errKey               int = -7
      errVersion           int = -8
      errBusy              int = -9
      errParam             int = -10
      errUsage             int = -11 
      errTimeout           int = -12
      errIP                int = -13 
      errNotFound          int = -14
      errFile              int = -15
      errNoSpace           int = -16
      errNeedAuth          int = -17
      errSystem            int = -18
      errDiskSpeed         int = -19
      errEmpty             int = -20
      errNetwork           int = -21
      errEvent             int = -22
      errCodec             int = -23
      errBlue              int = -24
      errDB                int = -101
      errCALicense         int = -102
      errCAKey             int = -103
      errNoLogin           int = -104 // Login failed.
      errValues            int = -105
      errFullLicense       int = -106
      errOverTime          int = -107 // Your subscription has expired.
      errClientID          int = -108

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