
Use the interface to obtain all available firmware files of specified devices.


URL ip[:port]/sc_cloud/scapi/get-all-firmwares?dev-type=1&
Data Format Response:Content-Type: application/json

URL Parameters

Items Mandatory Description
dev-type Yes Product family ID.
product-id No Product model ID.
hardware-ver No Hardware version.
The result would be all hosted devices when the request URL only has one parameter, dev-type, and the value of dev-type is 0.

Request Cookies

Parameter Description
mwcloud-sid A string value that is used to uniquely identify user logged-in.
mwcloud-uid Current logged-in username.

Request Example

GET /sc_cloud/scapi/get-all-firmwares?dev-type=1&product-id=770&hardware-ver=A HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Cookie: mwcloud-sid=OCXWUMGEYPGIAWWOETYXPNMVHDZIAZJP; mwcloud-uid=Admin;

Response Parameters

Response Header
Parameter Description
Content-Type Value: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
Response Body
Parameter Description
result Result code. The options are as follows:
  • 0: success.
  • Other values. For details about the result codes, please refer to API Status.
firmwares All available firmware versions of the specified device.

All available firmware versions of the specified device.

Parameter Description
id Firmware ID.
file-path Firmware saved path.
upload-date Firmware upload time.
product-id Product model ID.
firmware-id Firmware version type.
  • 1: test version.
  • Other values: released revisions.
hardware-ver Hardware version.
marjor-ver Major version.
minor-ver Minor version.
build-number Build number.
This version number is physically represented as a three-part string with the following format:

<marjor version>.<minor version>.<build number>

For example, version 1.5.178. indicates 1 as the major version, 5 as the minor version, and 178 as the build number.

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 219
  "result": 0,
  "firmwares": [
      "id": 21,
      "file-path": "/data/firmware/firmware-770-1-A-1.5.178.mwf",
      "upload-date": 1635151650,
      "product-id": 770,
      "firmware-id": 1,
      "hardware-ver": "A",
      "marjor-ver": 1,
      "minor-ver": 5,
      "build-number": 178

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""