
Use the interface to obtain detailed information of devices hosted successfully.


URL ip[:port]/sc_cloud/scapi/get-dev?sn=xxx
Data Format Response: Content-Type: application/json

Request URL

Parameter Description
sn Device serial number.

Request Cookies

Parameter Description
mwcloud-sid A string value that is used to uniquely identify user logged-in.
mwcloud-uid Current logged-in username.

Request Example

GET /sc_cloud/scapi/get-dev?sn=A302190930002 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Cookie: mwcloud-sid=OCXWUMGEYPGIAWWOETYXPNMVHDZIAZJP; mwcloud-uid=Admin;

Response Parameters

Response Header
Parameter Description
Content-Type Value: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
Response Body
Parameter Description
result Result code. The options are as follows:
  • 0: success.
  • Other values. For details about the result codes, please refer to API Status.
dev Detailed information of the specified device.
Parameter Description
catalog-id Device group ID.
sn Serial number.
module Product family ID.
dev-warning A number greater than 0 indicates the device has warning(s). The value and mask value in Status Mask of Abnormal Device perform binary logic "and" operator. There might be multiple warnings.
For example, if (dev-warning & 0x01)=== 0x01, means the device has no signal.
is-everyone Whether the device is available for all users. 0: no; 1: yes.
users Operators of the current device when the value of "is-everyone" is 0.
apply-date Time of applying to join the cloud.
online-date Device online state. A number greater than 0 indicates the device is online, otherwise it is offline.
is-upload-file Whether the device is uploading the firmware. 1 indicates it is uploading. Otherwise, it is not.
upload-file-pos The upload process in percentage.
status Information of hosted device.
Parameter Description
name Product name.
product-id Product model ID.
module-name Product family name
hardware-ver Product hardware version.
firmware-ver Product firmware version.
up-time Equipment uptime in seconds.
cur-status Current device status mask refers to Status Mask of Abnormal Device.
eth Ethernet IP.
wifi WI-FI IP.
upgrade-ret Firmware update status code refers to API Status Code.
Update usage refers to update procedures.
upgrade-step Current process of the firmware update procedure, there are 4 steps in total.
upgrade-percent Update process in percentage.
input Input signal format includes resolution and frame rate.
output Output signal format includes resolution and frame rate.

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1600
Connection: keep-alive
  "result": 0,
  "dev": {
    "catalog-id": 2,
    "sn": "A302190930002",
    "module": 1,
    "dev-status": 2,
    "network": "",
    "is-upgrade": 0,
    "users": [
    "is-everyone": 0,
    "apply-date": 1634088523,
    "online-date": 1635413950,
    "offline-date": 0,
    "is-upload-file": 0,
    "upload-file-pos": 100,
    "dev-warning": 1,
    "sid": "245afe8cc4362ad0355f672433ff8608",
    "cpu": [],
    "mem": [],
    "net": [],
    "net2": [],
    "net3": [],
    "status": {
      "name": "Ultra Stream A302190930002",
      "product-id": 770,
      "module-name": "Ultra Stream SDI",
      "hardware-ver": "A",
      "firmware-ver": "1.5.178",
      "conn-ip": "",
      "up-time": 104370,
      "eth": "",
      "sd-total": 32217448448,
      "cur-status": 0,
      "wifi": "",
      "input": "No Signal",
      "output": "",
      "usb-total": 0,
      "usb-free": 0,
      "usb-used": 0,
      "usb-status": 0,
      "usb-usage": 0,
      "sd-free": 18495471616,
      "sd-used": 12648235008,
      "sd-status": 1,
      "sd-usage": 40,
      "rec-codec": "1280x720, 59.94, 2048 Kbps",
      "rec-sec": 0,
      "rec-kbps": 0,
      "live-codec": "1280x720, 30.00, 1024 Kbps",
      "live-sec": 0,
      "live-kbps": 0,
      "ndi-connected": false,
      "ndi-url": "",
      "ndi-enabled": false,
      "rndis": "",
      "ndi-name": "",
      "ndi-video-width": 0,
      "ndi-video-height": 0,
      "ndi-video-scan": "",
      "ndi-video-field-rate": 0,
      "ndi-audio-sample-rate": 0,
      "ndi-audio-channels": 0,
      "ndi-audio-bit-count": 0,
      "upgrade-ret": 27,
      "upgrade-step": 0,
      "upgrade-percent": 0,
      "usb-option": 0,
      "sd-option": 1,
      "CPUStatus": 18,
      "NetStatus": 0,
      "MemStatus": 44,
      "Net2Status": 2328,
      "Net3Status": 0

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""