
Use this interface to set audio encoding parameters.

Obtain ranges of audio encoding parameters using get-info.

  "codec-cap": {
    "audio-streams": [],         // range of audio streams 
    "audio-channels": [],        // range of audio channels
    "audio-chmap": [],           // range of audio channel mapping 
    "audio-kbps": [],            // range of audio bit rate

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=set-audio&stream=1&kbps=48...
Parameter Description
method set-audio
stream The output channel 0: stream 1
The output channel 1: stream 2
The output channel 2: stream 3
The output channel 3: stream 4
channels The output channel count.
kbps Indicates audio bit rate.
ch0 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 1.
ch1 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 2.
ch2 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 3.
ch3 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 4.
ch4 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 5.
ch5 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 6.
ch6 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 7.
ch7 Source channel number which is mapped by audio encoding channel 8.
use-lfe Whether to enable LFE, the number of audio encoding channels greater than 2 is valid.
0: disabled
1: enabled

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""