
Use this interface to set schedulers.

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=set-scheduler&id=xxx&chn-type=xxx&chn-id=xxx&...
Parameter Description
method set-scheduler
id Scheduler ID which can be obtained via get-schedulers.
chn-type Channel type.
0: live channel
1: record channel
2: auto-reboot
chn-id Channel ID.
Live channel ID which can be obtained via get-settings.
Record channel ID which can be obtained via get-rec-channels.
title Schedule title. The string ranges from 1 to 32 characters which contains A-Z, a-z, 0-9, spaces and special characters like ._-+'[](). It can not start or end with spaces.
desc Schedule description. The string ranges from 1 to 32 characters which contains A-Z, a-z, 0-9, spaces and special characters like ._-+'[](). It can not start or end with spaces.
is-full-day 0: not a full day schedule.
1: a full day schedule.
time-begin Start time formats like 2023-02-02 10:00:00.
time-end End time formats like 2023-02-02 11:00:00.
is-repeat 0: not recurring event.
1: recurring event.
repeat-event 0: no repeats
1: daily
2: weekly
3: monthly
4: yearly
repeat-interval The number of days between each occurrence.
repeat-is-workday Every weekday
repeat-is-interval The number of weeks between each occurrence.
repeat-wdays Specifies mask(s) for on which day(s) of the week the event occurs.
0x01: Monday
0x02: Tuesday
0x04: Wednesday
0x08: Thursday
0x10: Friday
0x20: Saturday
0x40: Sunday
repeat-interval The number of months between each occurrence.
repeat-mday Specifies on which day of the month the event occurs.
repeat-wdy Specifies on which week the event occurs.
repeat-idx Specifies on which day(s) the event can occur.
0: Monday
1: Tuesday
2: Wednesday
3: Thursday
4: Friday
5: Saturday
6: Sunday
repeat-month Specifies in which month the event occurs.
repeat-mday Specifies on which day the event occurs.
repeat-wdy Specifies on which week the event occurs.
repeat-idx Specifies on which day(s) the event can occur.
0: Monday
1: Tuesday
2: Wednesday
3: Thursday
4: Friday
5: Saturday
6: Sunday
end-event Specifies the end event.
0: no ending.
1: end by repeat times
2: end by date.
Repeat times
end-interval Specifies the number of occurrences. Must be a positive integer.
End date
end-dateline Specifies the date to stop applying the pattern.

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result Returned status.
0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""