DEMO: Node.js

This chapter introduces how to call the Ultra Encode APIs in Node.js.

Download DEMO:

DEMO Structure

|-- httpUtils.js    // encapsulates the get and upload method based on the HTTP module of Node.js.
|-- xxxx.mwf        // file uploaded by upload.js through invoking the upload-update-file interface.
|-- get.js          // requests data using GET
|-- upload.js       // uploads file using POST


  • Operating System: macOS, Linux, or Windows
  • Node.js Runtime: LTS releases (8.x and later)

Running Mode

  1. Navigate into the DEMO directory in the terminal.
    cd ultra-encode-demo-nodejs
  2. Replace deviceIP with the IP address of the test device in get.js and upload.js.
  3. Run get.js.
    node get
  4. Run upload.js.
    node upload

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""