
Use the interface to obtain the default configurations.

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/mwapi?method=get-def-video-config
Parameter Description
method get-def-video-config

Response Body

 "status": 0,
 "in-auto-aspect": true,
 "in-aspect-x": 16,
 "in-aspect-y": 9,
 "in-auto-color-fmt": true,
 "in-color-fmt": "bt.709",
 "in-auto-quant-range": true,
 "in-quant-range": "limited",
 "brightness": 0,
 "contrast": 100,
 "hue": 0,
 "saturation": 100,
 "in-crop-enabled": false,
 "in-crop-left-percent": 0.00,
 "in-crop-top-percent": 0.00,
 "in-crop-right-percent": 0.00,
 "in-crop-bottom-percent": 0.00,
 "deinterlace": "none",
 "ar-convertion": "ignore",
 "out-flip": false,
 "out-mirror": false,
 "out-cx": 1920,
 "out-cy": 1080,
 "out-raw-resolution": true,
 "out-aspect-x": 16,
 "out-aspect-y": 9,
 "out-auto-aspect": true,
 "out-fr-convertion": "raw",
 "out-auto-color-fmt": true,
 "out-color-fmt": "bt.709",
 "out-auto-sat-range": true,
 "out-sat-range": "limited",
 "out-auto-quant-range": true,
 "out-quant-range": "limited",
 "bit-rate-ratio": 100,
 "low-res-full-fr": false
Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
in-auto-aspect Indicates whether to obtain the aspect ratio of input signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
in-aspect-x Indicates the width of the input aspect ratio.
in-aspect-y Indicates the height of the input aspect ratio.
in-auto-color-fmt Indicates whether to obtain the color space of input signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
in-color-fmt Indicates the color space of input signal, including rgb, bt.601, bt.709. bt.2020.
in-auto-quant-range Indicates whether to obtain the quantization range of input signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
in-quant-range Indicates the quantization range of input signal, including full, limited.
brightness Indicates the brightness of input signal. The value ranges from -100 to +100.
contrast Indicates the contrast of input signal. The value ranges from 50 to 200.
hue Indicates the hue of input signal. The value ranges from -90 to 90.
saturation Indicates the saturation range of input signal. The value ranges from 0 to 200.
in-crop-enabled Reserved.
in-crop-left-percent Reserved.
in-crop-top-percent Reserved.
in-crop-top-percent Reserved.
in-crop-bottom-percent Reserved.
deinterlace Indicates deinterlace options of the input signal, including none, top-field, bottom-field.
ar-convertion Indicates the aspect ratio Conversion, including ignore, cropping, padding. Only shown when the "show-adv-ui" is true.
out-flip Indicates whether to vertically flip the output signal. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-mirror Indicates whether to horizontally flip the output signal.If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-cx Indicates the width of output resolution.
out-cy Indicates the height of output resolution.
out-raw-resolution Indicates whether the resolution of output follows that of input. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-auto-aspect Indicates whether to obtain the aspect ratio of output signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-aspect-x Indicates the width of the output aspect ratio.
out-aspect-y Indicates the height of the output aspect ratio.
out-fr-convertion Indicates the output frame rate, including raw,half, one-third, quarter.
out-auto-color-fmt Indicates whether to obtain the color space of output signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-color-fmt Indicates the color space of output signal, including bt.601, bt.709, bt.2020.
out-auto-sat-range Indicates whether to obtain the saturation range of output signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-sat-range Indicates the saturation range of output signal, including full, limited, extended.
out-auto-quant-range Indicates whether to obtain the quantizations range of output signal automatically. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.
out-quant-range Indicates the quantizations range of output signal, including full, limited.
bit-rate-ratio Indicates the bitrate ratio. The value ranges from 50 to 200.
low-res-full-fr Indicates whether to enable Full frame rate for low bandwidth. If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it is false.

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